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   Changes to YouTube's Terms of Service
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                You're receiving this email because we're updating the YouTube
                <a style="color:#065fd4; font-weight:500; text-decoration:none">
                 Terms of Service
                ("Terms") to clarify our terms and provide transparency to our users. These changes shouldn't significantly alter your access or use of the YouTube service.
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                A summary of the changes:
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                 <li style="margin-top:14px; direction:ltr;">
                   Facial recognition restrictions:
                  The Terms of Service already state that you cannot collect any information that might identify a person without their permission. While this has always included facial recognition information, the new Terms make that explicitly clear.
                 <li style="margin-top:14px; direction:ltr;">
                   YouTube's right to monetize:
                  YouTube has the right to monetize all content on the platform and ads may appear on videos from channels not in the YouTube Partner Program.
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                   Royalty payments and tax withholding:
                  For creators entitled to revenue payments, such payments will be treated as royalties from a U.S. tax perspective and Google will withhold taxes where required by law.
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                 Please make sure you read the updated
                 <a style="color:#065fd4; font-weight:500; text-decoration:none">
                 carefully. The new Terms will take effect on 18 November, 2020 for users in the U.S., and similar changes to our Terms of Service will be made outside the U.S. in 2021.
                By continuing to use YouTube after this date, you are agreeing to the new Terms. If you would like more information, visit our
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                 Help Center
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                Please note, if you allow your child to use YouTube Kids, then you are agreeing to the new Terms on behalf of your child as well.
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                You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to the YouTube Terms.
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                © 2020
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                 Google LLC d/b/a YouTube, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066
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