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   Since 2009, our mission has been to help the world learn from its data.
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                          Why we’re evolving our brand
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                         Since 2009, our mission has been to help the world learn from its data. We’ve been lucky to partner with builders across all industries, helping them get answers from their data. Over time, we had to expand our understanding of what it meant to be a builder.
                         As we began to widen our vision, it was a moment for us to question the entirety of our brand. We imagined a future where analytics isn’t limited to data analysts or engineers, but for everyone making decisions and leading organizational change.
                         We believe builders are people who create change. Whether through new companies, products, services, brands, or communities.
                         The challenge with data is persistent: teams are using siloed and shallow tools that are intimidating for non-experts; people are wasting time on things that don’t work, and worse, they don’t know it’s not working. We have all the data but no clear answers.
                         Our vision is for everyone to have all the answers they need at their fingertips. When everyone in the organization can see — and learn from — the impact of their work, they are poised to make better decisions.
                         Making good decisions together consistently, at scale, is the fundamental practice of being a builder. Good decisions make progress possible.
                         And we are here to help you make more of them.
                         To progress,
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