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               We hope you enjoyed your Unlimited TunnelBear for the last year!
               It looks like your Bear is getting hungry and will automatically renew your Unlimited subscription on April 05, 2019 at $59.88 USD.
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           Unlimited privacy with TunnelBear:
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                 Unlimited data on any five computers or mobile devices
                 Choose from 20 different countries
                 Quick bears, with strong 256-bit AES encryption
               For more information on managing your subscription, head over to our
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                support section
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              Sincerely rawrs,
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              <img alt="-The TunnelBear Team" border="0" height="22" src="" style="display: block; color: #C4932A; font-family: Open Sans, Lucida, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Arial, sans-serif !important; font-size: 18px;" width="212"/>
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            © 2019 TunnelBear LLC, 200-310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON, M5T 2E7, Canada
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